MEDIA RELEASE: Turnbull backs in Abbott’s disastrous fiscal policy
Malcolm Turnbull’s commitment to Tony Abbott’s cuts and broken promises was laid bare in Question Time today.
Malcolm Turnbull backed in Tony Abbott’s cuts and broken promises despite pointing to economic mismanagement as a key reason for knifing the former Prime Minister.
“The Government’s policies are unchanged… all of our existing policies and proposals, whether they are before this house or in the statement of policy statements by ministers, remain on foot.”
This means Malcolm Turnbull is steadfastly supporting Tony Abbott’s plans to:
- Cut $80 billion from schools and hospitals
- Cut $6,000 from the typical Australian family
- Introduce $100,000 University degrees
- Introduce a GP Tax by freezing the Medicare rebate
- Increase the cost of medicine for pensioners
Malcolm Turnbull is committed to the same policies that saw business and consumer confidence plummet, deficits over the forward estimates balloon and net debt rise to its highest ever point.
It’s clear Malcolm Turnbull believes the only problem with Tony Abbott’s cuts and broken promises was the sales job.
When it comes to the Budget Malcolm Turnbull is reading from the script written by Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey.
Malcolm Turnbull talks about wanting a better debate about the fiscal challenges facing Australia, but first he needs to recognise the damage caused by these policies.
OCTOBER 19, 2015