Scott Morrison is once again treating the Parliament and the Australian people with contempt by blocking scrutiny of his anti-worker legislation.

The Liberals have refused to allow a Senate committee to examine their new union-bashing Ensuring Integrity Bill – again demonstrating how desperate they are to avoid questions on legislation that could shut unions down for minor paperwork breaches.
This is not the same Bill that was put to the Senate last year.

It includes a number of amendments that were not examined or debated last time the legislation was before the Senate.

The Government then rammed the new legislation through the lower house without a single second of debate – trampling convention and making a mockery of the Parliament.

And now senators will be denied their right to properly interrogate this new Bill and test the Government’s claims.

Scott Morrison is acting like a petulant, juvenile schoolyard bully because he didn’t get his way on this Bill last year.

It’s yet more evidence that he believes none of the usual rules of integrity and accountability should apply to him.
He is determined to ensure that no voices are heard but his own. And he shows total disdain for anyone who disagrees with him.

This legislation is part of a two-stage attack. First the Government is going after the organisations that represent, protect and fight for workers. Next they will come after workers’ pay and conditions directly.
This is clearly Morrison’s industrial relations agenda: smash the unions to pave the way for WorkChoices 2.0.

Tony Burke