Michaelia Cash was a disastrous Minister for Industrial Relations and now she’s back in the job.
Senator Cash oversaw the return of the Australian Building and Construction Commission and the Registered Organisations Commission, politicised and discredited organisations that attack workers and unions.
Senator Cash was responsible for the first iteration of the Ensuring Integrity Bill, an extreme anti-worker bill that sought to crush unions.
Senator Cash and her office were behind the AWU witch-hunt, weaponising the ROC to go after her political opponents. This investigation has since been judged to be unlawful.
Senator Cash’s office office tipped off the media about AFP raids on the AWU, ensuring cameras and journalists showed up before the police - a politically motivated leak that resulted in a number of resignations from her office.
For many months Senator Cash refused to properly answer questions about this scandal, avoiding media scrutiny and even going so far as to hide behind a whiteboard in Parliament House.
Senator Cash did not fully cooperate with an AFP investigation into the leak, refusing to give a witness statement.
And Senator Cash stacked the Fair Work Commission with employer representatives, undermining this important institution.
Is this really the best person Scott Morrison could find to be in charge of Australian workplaces?
At a time when Australian workers need job security and better wages they’ve been given a Minister obsessed with hardline ideology and political games.