More than 820,000 jobs have been created under the Albanese Labor Government, according to today’s ABS Labour Force figures.

More jobs have been created under this Government than any other first term government on record.

Today’s figures show unemployment remains low, returning to where it was in January of this year at 4.1 per cent.

Under the previous government unemployment averaged 5.6 per cent.

These new numbers show we are still creating new jobs even as the unemployment rate has ticked up and the labour market is softening.

Importantly 250,000 more women are in full-time work than when we came to office.

It’s a remarkable fact that amidst all the uncertainty the Albanese Labor Government has still overseen the creation of more than 820,000 new jobs, by far the most of any first term government.

We know people are under pressure, which is why we’re providing more cost of living help in this year’s Budget.

This includes energy bill relief for every household, cheaper medicines and a tax cut for every taxpayer.

Getting wages moving again is also crucial to helping people start to get ahead.

Wages are finally moving again after a decade of deliberate suppression and stagnation under the previous government.

Yesterday’s Wage Price Index shows annual wages are growing strongly – coming in at 4.1 per cent.

This is the first time in 15 years that annual wages have grown faster than 4 per cent for three consecutive quarters.

Since the election, nominal wages have been growing at an annualised average of 3.9 per cent, compared to 2.2 per cent under the Liberals. Annual real wages have also grown at 0.5 per cent through the year to the March quarter.

It’s also a massive turnaround compared to the situation we inherited from the previous government, where real wages were going backwards by 3.4 per cent.

The Albanese Labor Government wants Australians to earn more and keep more of what they earn.

Australians are earning more because we’ve changed workplace laws.

And they’ll keep more of what they earn because of Labor’s tax cut.

Peter Dutton wants Australians to work longer for less.

We know that because the Liberals have said they’ll take a “targeted package of repeals” to the next election.

Tonight’s Budget Reply is Peter Dutton’s opportunity to outline what that targeted package looks like.

Will it be targeted against wages, job security, workplace safety or closing the gender pay gap?

Under the Albanese Labor Government there are more people in jobs, they’re earning more – and with our tax cuts, they’ll keep more of what they earn.


Tony Burke