The Albanese Labor Government has today announced the appointment of Ms Kate Fielding to the Council of the National Museum of Australia for a three-year term.

The National Museum of Australia is dedicated to safeguarding and sharing Australia’s rich and diverse stories through researching, collecting, preserving and exhibiting the country’s historical material. 

Minister for the Arts, Tony Burke, said Ms Fielding’s extensive leadership experience in arts and cultural organisations made her an ideal candidate.

“Kate’s work in cultural strategy will enable her to bring valuable knowledge to the council and make strong contributions to the leadership of this important institution.”

Ms Kate Fielding has been the Chief Executive Officer of A New Approach (ANA), Australia’s  national arts and culture think tank, since its inception 2018.

Ms Fielding has worked across the cultural heritage sector including as an Executive Officer of the History Council of Victoria (2007-2008), a Community Development Coordinator in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands, Western Australia (2008-2011) and as a consultant in cultural and regional development (2011-2018).

Ms Fielding has also served on a variety of boards including Regional Arts Australia (2011-2016), the Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission (2014-2018), the Western Australia Regional Development Council (2016-2018) and the Australia Council of the Arts (2016-2018). She was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2012, and a Sidney Myer Creative Fellowship in 2013, in recognition of her leadership in artistic and cultural thought.


Tony Burke