The Morrison Government is desperate to convince Australians its demotion of the arts department is somehow a good thing, making the ridiculous claim it’s an “opportunity” rather than a snub.

Who is Arts Minister Paul Fletcher trying to fool?

Does he honestly expect us to believe that bundling the arts as some kind of afterthought into the new Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications -  responsible for roads and ports – will result in good things for Australia’s creative sector?

He insists it won’t diminish the Coalition’s commitment to the arts. Well even if that’s true, it’s cold comfort to a sector that has already endured endless budget cuts and neglect from this Government.

Fletcher also seeks to justify the disappearance of the arts from a department title by claiming Labor did it too.

What he neglects to mention is that Labor made arts policy part of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet – at the very centre of Government policy making. If Fletcher thinks his new department has the same status as DPMC, Scott Morrison has sold him a pup.

The fact is, the Liberals have downgraded arts policy with this move – and it’s a worrying sign of what’s to come from a Government with an appalling record on arts policy and funding.
Australia’s artists, actors, filmmakers, writers and musicians have every right to be concerned by this decision – and so does every Australian who likes seeing, reading and hearing Australian creations.


Tony Burke